What is New Horizons?
What principles can we use to create a world that we want, even if it’s on a smaller, individual, and more local scale for now? What do we want to create for ourselves, our families, and our world here?
We all are indigenous from somewhere. We may not all be native Americans and have indigenous ancestors from this country.
We have selected principles from Native American and indigenous cultures that we feel need to be brought back and nurtured in our culture and in small community groups today.
With these principles, the following healing/growth is possible:
- Better Connection with ourselves
- Growth in our Connection with Spirit
- Greater Connection with the Earth
- Connection with each other
We can take the best of what the past indigenous cultures had to offer, and integrate it into how we live today.
The Principles of New Horizons
- Focus on physical, emotional, and spiritual healing for yourself and your family. This needs to be a priority now.
- Realize that God/Spirit is in the Earth and Nature – in all things. Connect with Spirit through Nature, and in other ways, such as meditation.
- Make a vow that you will be the best lover and protector of Earth and Nature that you can be.
- Connect with the Earth herself and Nature. Spend time in Nature. What is Mother Earth saying to you today?
- Honor your Ancestors. A)Honor the Ancestors of the Earth where you live. B)Honor the Ancestors of the spiritual tradition(s) you follow. C)Honor the ancestors of your bloodlines. Connect with them. What messages do they have for you?
- Create healthy Rites of Passage for young people, especially through a connection with the Earth.
- Honor and connect with the living Elders in your community. Foster connections between them and the young people, as well.
- Begin to consciously re-imagine and re-create the world with others.
- Build a Tribe, and use these principles as part of that. Connect with others on a similar path, in and outside the local area.
- Share resources, and help each other.
We are in the process of setting up a 501c3 nonprofit.
We also are connecting with others, who would like to have local groups based on these principles.
Please go to our contact page, and send us your information. We will contact you as our organization develops, and we have a guide for starting local groups.